Friday, December 5, 2008

Let Me Have My Fantasy

Every once in a while you come across something in life that you really enjoy and wished you’d tried sooner. It could be a new food you never tried. A new sport you never played or perhaps a new hobby. I can remember talking to a friend of mine who took up the game of golf at around the age of 45 and all he kept saying was “I can’t believe I didn’t try this sooner”. Well I happen to feel the same way about one of my newest hobbies- Fantasy Sports. It took me a while to try fantasy sports but ever since I got on board in the fall of 2007 when the guys I work with convinced me to join their Fantasy Football league I’ve been hooked! More than just “liking sports” is involved to really enjoying Fantasy Sports. You have to be a thinker. You have to be an analyzer. And more importantly you have to have a real passion for sports. To date I’ve now managed just 4 Fantasy Sports teams. As mentioned I started with Football in 2007. I then joined a fantasy baseball league for the 2008 baseball season and I now currently manage my 2008 Fantasy Football team and my first Basketball team. The purpose of today’s post is not to discuss my love for fantasy sports however; it’s to discuss my annoyance for people who bad mouth it.
I can’t stand the people who have never tried fantasy sports and yet feel the need to portray it as some useless waste of time. Or they think that it’s stupid. It’s a hobby! We who enjoy it aren’t claiming that it has an impact on making the world a better place and we’re not implying that we could or should coach a real sports team. It also doesn’t mean that we have “all kinds of free time” because we do it. It’s merely a hobby. Just like working out, playing sports, reading books, knitting, watching movies or playing video games.

I’ve had people say things to me like, “how do you have the time to do that?” These are the same people that go to the gym at least 5 days a week for 2 hours!! yet they ask me where I find the time to take 5 minutes a day to set my fantasy team? Give me a break. It doesn’t take up a whole lot of time. You can maintain a team and keep up well with the goings on of the league by simply spending maybe 5 minutes every other day on the computer. If it’s Fantasy Football you’re doing it’s much less than that because the only day you really have to make decisions is on game day- Sunday morning. Time isn’t an issue at all. I’d say it could be the least time consuming hobby I know of. One good work out at the gym for 2 hours is the equivalent to about 3 weeks’ worth of fantasy sports participation if you’re REALLY in to your league. I’ve also heard the intellectual phrase “that’s stupid”. These are the people that have never tried it yet feel compelled to judge it. What’s that all about? EVERYONE has their hobbies in life. That’s all fantasy sports is, just a hobby. If you aren’t in to fantasy sports and have no interest in it that’s fine, but there’s no need to criticize any part of it because of your lack of interest. How about we all let eachother do what we want with what little free time we all have? You want to take the time to read a 400 page novel? Go ahead. You want to knit another scarf nobody is gonna wear? Be my guest! Now if you'll excuse me I need to set my basketball line-up for tonight.

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