Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sloppy Seconds

Let me first state that I cannot stand Sean Avery. He's what we call a douche. He's the ultimate pest and instigator, though he doesn't have the backbone to stand up when he's called out. Essentially, he's Matthew Barnaby times 10. And I'll give credit to Barnaby for at least standing up for himself now and then. But today, I'm actually going to defend Sean Avery.

Avery was suspended by the NHL indefinitely for a comment that he made to the media. He said, "I am really happy to be back in Calgary, I love Canada. I just want to comment on how it's become like a common thing in the NHL for guys to fall in love with my sloppy seconds. I don't know what that's about. Enjoy the game tonight." Calgary defenseman Dion Phaneuf is currently dating Avery ex-girlfriend, Elisha Cuthbert. NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman said that he suspended Avery for "inappropriate public comments, not pertaining to the game." Here in lies why I have a problem with the suspension. Avery in no way made a comment that disparaged the NHL, the officials, or the game in general. Suspensions should be handed out for things done during a game or comments made about the game. All Avery did was step up his trash talk. He went personal. And in this case, I don't have a problem with what he said. Frankly, even though it was immature as hell, I think it's kind of funny.

Sean Avery has done a lot of stupid things over the past couple of years. Here's a small sampling:

1) In last years postseason, he stood in front of Devils goalie Martin Brodeur and waved his stick and hands in front of his face to distract him.
2) Supposedly said some rather unkind words to Jason Blake after he came back from leukemia.
3) Flipped the bird to a NY photographer.
4) Had a verbal exchange with a Bruins fan where he swore at the fan and made comments about the that persons girlfriend.

I can see Avery getting suspended for any of the incidents above. The incidents above are inappropriate and detrimental. If you're going to suspend Avery, do it for verbally lashing out at the fan. At least in that case, he's attacking someone not related to the game itself. Don't suspend Avery for telling Phaneuf that's he dating his sloppy seconds. The NHL has bigger things to worry about like hits to the head or hitting from behind.

The NHL is unique in the fact that the players police themselves. It's the one sport where fighting is a natural part of the game. If Avery would have played, I'm sure Phaneuf and his teammates would have taken a run at him. And I think that's the way this should have been handled. Let's face it, Avery is going to have to apologize, but is anyone going to see it as anything more than lip service? The NHL should have let this one play itself out on the ice.

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