Thursday, January 8, 2009

The End is Near

Tonight is the final college bowl game of the year. Thanks goodness. With the absurd number of bowl games now being played, I've stopped caring about the bowl games anymore. It's just become bowl game overload. Plus, it's hard to take the bowl games seriously when a playoff is the better and correct system. Honestly, who in the hell is watching the magicJack St. Petersburg Bowl? I enjoy college football as much as the next sports fan, but the season needed to end a week ago.

Like people's bank accounts right now, the number of bowl games needs to start shrinking. Get rid of bowl games like the GMAC Bowl and the International Bowl. First off, why are companies like GMAC and Citi sponsoring bowl games? New rule: If you needed government money to stay afloat, you can't sponsor a bowl game. Secondly, why are we trying to impose football on Canadians? It's hockey season up there, they don't care out football.

In other news, what the hell is going on at Chuck E. Cheese's restaurants? The pizza is not worth fighting over. Link

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