Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Lost Art of Tackling

I'm not sure when it started, but football players have forgotten how to tackle. Watch any college or NFL game and the lack of quality tackling is astonishing. Instead of tackling, players are now flying in like missles looking to knock someones head off. Sure it looks great, but what's the point when the player bounces off and goes another 10 yards?

As I have previously stated, I'm not the biggest fan of Chicago Bears safety, Kevin Payne. Mainly, it's because the guy would rather hit than tackle someone. A perfect example of this is the game the Bears played against the Vikings in late November. Instead of helping tackle Adrian Peterson, Payne decides that he wants to do an impression of a Cruise missle and knocks Peterson back a few yards. However, Payne also knocks his own teammates off of Peterson and Peterson is free to run another 50 yards downfield. Next time try putting your arms around him, Kevin.

While I'm on the topic of the Chicago Bears, I have another suggestion for Jerry Angelo. Trade for Anquan Boldin. The man is a beast on the field. He wants out of Arizona and the Bears need a receiver that can catch the ball. Boldin could make Kyle Orton look like an honest to goodness legitimate starting NFL quarterback. Jerry, make it happen.

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