Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Celtics

So the big question.....can the Celtics repeat? Answer- YES. Why? It's simple......because they won it last year. While that sounds like TOO simple of an answer how can you argue with it? Last year the Celtics were a completely different group of players that had NEVER played with each other! Not even for a single season! Yet they stormed through the regular season and proceeded to win it all. Now they have even more chemistry, more experience from their young players and more confidence from the young guns as well. Perkins, Big Baby, Powe, and Rondo all grew as the season went on last year and performed well in the biggest stage of the post season. Yes the Celtics lost Posey, but the extra year under the belts of these 4 young players should more then make up for it. Add to them Steady Eddy House and some young legs in Giddens, Pruitt and Walker and the team has nice depth. And don't forget the wild card- Tony Allen. This guy showed all the signs of a fantastic player before destroying his knee in 2007. Now he's stronger and looks like he's close to being back to 100%. This team is stacked! And again, I go back to my primary reason for confidence in this team- they KNOW each other now. I don't care what level of basketball you play or any sport for that matter.....the more you play with certain people the better you become as a team. That glimmer in your teammates eye that tells you he's cutting to the hole as soon as the defender turns his head can only happen if you have experience playing together. The Celtics have the talent and NOW they have the chemistry. Banner 18 is on it's way.

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