Monday, November 3, 2008

The Patriots and other football jibber jabber

So living where I do i have the privilege of being able to listen to WEEI every morning after a Patriots game. The theme of the day today is that the Patriots have no issues at QB anymore. To many Matt Cassell has proved that he is a good QB and is unquestionably "our guy" for the season. I agree that Cassell is our guy for the season but saying the Patriots have no issues at quarterback means you’re using the same logic that many “analysts” used after the vice presidential debate when they thought that Sarah Palin did well. Their expectations for her were so low that despite her inadequacies most people thought she did a good job. That’s what WEEI and many fans sound like this morning. The Patriots DO have issues at QB. Yes, Matt Cassell isn’t losing games for them but he also isn’t winning them either. Our expectations for him were so low that despite HIS inadequacies they think he’s doing a good job. He isn’t screwing up royally I’ll grant you, but don't they want someone that can make a play? And isn't part of the reason he isn't screwing up is because he doesn't even get the opportunity to? All he did last night was hand the ball off and throw some quick outs and slants. The Patriots played so conservative that Cassell could do no wrong for the most part. The Colts team the Pats lost to last night has been awful all year accept for one game against Baltimore. If the Pats can't beat them they'll be fortunate to win a playoff game.
Is Brandon Jacobs one of the more underrated RB's in the NFL? I feel he is. The guy is a beast and a punishing runner. He's one of the most enjoyable running backs to watch in the game because of his speed, power and size! His arms are massive and his legs are literal tree trunks! the guy is an absolute specimen and every time he gets the ball something fun to see could happen....yet we hear very little about him.
The Texas vs Texas Tech game was unbelievable yet I find myself disgusted at the lack of clutch plays made by certain players in key situations. How does that player on Texas drop that game ending interception?? The ball was tipped and floated up into the air as if it were a punt and the Texas player botched it. It's mind blowing. If I make a mistake like that in a local pick-up game with my buddies I lose sleep over it and this poor kid did it in front of millions in a VERY meaningful game. And without fail EVERY time a play like that slips away the other teams make them pay.

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