Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trade Him!

There's a rumor going around that the New York Mets are interested in Javier Vazquez. Does he need someone to drive him to O'Hare? In my mind, Javier Vazquez has to be one of the most frustrating players to have in your lineup. Not because he has a bad attitude, but because he has a world of talent, but doesn't have the mental fortitude to keep it all together. How many times have White Sox and Yankees fans seen Javier go 5 strong innings and then completely lose it in the sixth inning? It's so frustrating to see it happen again and again. I really had high hopes for him this season, especially the way he finished last season on such a high note. He does well when the season doesn't matter, but when you need him, Javier wilts like a soybean plant without water.

I guess the best thing I can say about Javier is that he will pitch plenty of innings and will strike people out. The worst thing I can say about Javier is that he's terrible once he gets through the batting order twice. Once the hitters have seen his best stuff, they're on him like a pitbull on a poodle.

I don't know what the Mets farm system looks like, but if Kenny Williams can talk the Mets into paying the rest of the $23 million still owed to Javier, I propose the White Sox trade him for Future Considerations, a bag of fungos, and frequent flier miles. Kenny, get this trade done.

I'm Logan Huff and I approve this trade.

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