Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not Another Big Three

Ok can we just all stop for one second here and relax! In the words of Seinfeld "lets not all lose our heads here!". I'm a believer that certain things in sports are sacred. Uniforms, a baseball players glove, certain venues and arena's etc. I even feel nicknames are sacred as well. And thats what has me puzzeled. All of a sudden it seems we're throwing around the nickname "the big three" like it's as common as the word "buddy" and can be used on anybody in any situation-e.g "thanks a lot buddy" or "oh I'm sorry buddy". Please can we stop this! Now the trifecta of Ming, McGrady and Artest is being referred to as a Big Three?!?! Are you serious? Who's next? Iverson, Wallace and Rip? or how about Lebron, Varajou and Mo Williams?? This is ludicrous. Isn't anything sacred anymore? When the Celtics aquired Ray Allen and KG and paired them with Paul Pierce and the Big Three nickname started to resurface I was little bothered by it. The Big Three was meant for 3 men and 3 men only- Parish, McHale, and Bird. To have it brought back to life and given to the new Celtics in 2007 didn't sit quite right but I was ok with it. I allowed myself to accept it and they actually even earned the name by winning it all. But now to bestow this sacred nickname on to Tracy "never won a playoff series" McGrady, Yao "has never played a whole season" Ming, and Ron "jump into the stands and beat down fans" Artest makes me want to flat out vomit. It's an absolute travesty. So right now I'm making 3 rules associated with the Big Three nickname- 1)it can only be used for a Boston trio of players. 2)it can only be used when referring to Bird, Parish and McHale and 3)it can only be used when referring to KG, Pierce and Allen. It's just that simple.

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